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Table 2 Association of the baseline BMI with neuroimaging biomarker changes for 2-year

From: Body mass index and two-year change of in vivo Alzheimer’s disease pathologies in cognitively normal older adults



95% CI

t value

p value

Dependent variable: Aβ deposition

 Model 1a

  Baseline BMI x time


-0.003 to 0.002



 Model 2b

  Baseline BMI x time


-0.003 to 0.002



Dependent variable: Tau deposition

 Model 1a

  Baseline BMI x time


-0.030 to -0.006



 Model 2b

  Baseline BMI x time


-0.028 to -0.004



  1. Abbreviations: β-amyloid protein, BMI body mass index, CI confidence interval
  2. aAdjusted for age, sex, APOE4, baseline Aβ or Tau and their interactions with time
  3. bAdjusted for age, sex, APOE4, baseline Aβ a or Tau, vascular risk score, and their interactions with time