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Table 1 Participant demographics

From: APOE4 carrier status determines association between white matter disease and grey matter atrophy in early-stage dementia


Cognitively unimpaired (n = 259)

Early-stage dementia (n = 192)


Age, years, mean (SD)

61.83 (8.2)

65.16 (9.28)

 < 0.001

Female, n (%)

140/259 (54.1%)

102/192 (53.1%)


Education, years, mean (SD)

13.05 (3.73)

10.29 (3.73)

 < 0.001

APOE4 carrier, n (%)

33/259 (12.7%)

61/192 (31.8%)

 < 0.001

Total GMV, mean (SD)

579.15 (54.3)

555.59 (58.9)

 < 0.001

Total ICV, mean (SD)

1356.23 (146.5)

1357.83 (143.1)


WMH Volume, mean (SD)

6.87 (9.60)

9.46 (12.81)


MMSE, mean (SD)

28.56 (1.28)

25.14 (3.18)

 < 0.001

MoCA, mean (SD)

27.80 (1.23)

21.57 (2.85)

 < 0.001

  1. Abbreviations: APOE4 Apolipoprotein epsilon 4, GMV Grey matter volume, ICV Intracranial volume, WMH White matter hyperintensity, MMSE Mini-mental state examination, MoCA Montreal cognitive assessment