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Table 1 Comparison between the Controls and the NDG groups on demographics, reference CNB, SCD-T and acceptability

From: Validation study of “Santé-Cerveau”, a digital tool for early cognitive changes identification



N = 65 (50.39%)


N = 64 (49.61%)

Estimate of the difference ± SE



 Age, year sold

69.91 ± 4.86

72.61 ± 6.79



 Gender (Female)

44 (67.69%)

29 (45.31%)



 Educational level


   ≤ 12 years

9 (13.85%)

17 (26.56%)



  between 13 and 17 years

32 (49.23%)

26 (40.62%)


   ≥ 17 years

24 (36.92%)

21 (32.81%)


 Delay between SCD-T and reference CN-Battery, months

-0.44 ± 0.80

1.12 ± 1.36


 < 0.001*

Medical history

 cardiovascular diseases¥

5 (7.69%)

10 (15.62%)

OR: 0.72 ± 0.47



15 (23.08%)

25 (39.06%)

OR: 0.51 ± 0.22



2 (3.08%)

8 (12.50%)

OR: 0.38 ± 0.32



5 (7.69%)

17 (26.56%)

OR: 0.16 ± 0.09


Reference CNB


8.65 ± 4.50

12.14 ± 6.60

MD: -4.57 ± 1.08

 < 0.001*


28.95 ± 0.89

24.94 ± 2.40

MD: 1.74 ± 0.14

 < 0.001*


17.31 ± 0.97

14.38 ± 2.43

MD: 1.79 ± 0.18

 < 0.001*

 FCSRT free recall#

34.72 ± 5.19

10.39 ± 7.97

MD: 2.23 ± 0.06

 < 0.001*

 FCSRT total recall#

47.02 ± 1.29

25.25 ± 14.07

MD: 3.94 ± 0.14

 < 0.001*

 TMT A time, seconds


61.08 ± 42.88


 TMT B time, seconds


145.71 ± 80.16


 TMT B-A, time, seconds


98.24 ± 73.06



 Time to complete SCD-T (minutes)

21.67 ± 4.77

40.74 ± 12.06

MD: -18.35 ± 1.67

 < 0.001*


12.42 ± 6.53

17.78 ± 7.26

MD: -6.81 ± 1.26

 < 0.001*


2.05 ± 1.99

3.17 ± 3.19

MD: -1.48 ± 0.49


 NCT good answers

32.88 ± 7.55

14.75 ± 8.71

MD: 16.86 ± 1.47

 < 0.001*

 NCT wrong answers

1.65 ± 1.89

3.48 ± 4.62

MD: -1.08 ± 0.63


 NCT total answers

34.52 ± 6.79

18.23 ± 8.46

MD: 15.78 ± 1.36

 < 0.001*

 5-WT total score#

9.74 ± 0.54

6.31 ± 2.34

MD: 3.11 ± 0.27

 < 0.001*

 5-WT weighted total score#

18.88 ± 1.55

10.88 ± 3.99

MD: 2.63 ± 0.14

 < 0.001*

 TMT A time, seconds

26.62 ± 13.13

45.61 ± 34.33

MD: -17.63 ± 4.92

 < 0.001*

 TMT B time, seconds

52.37 ± 23.14

125.42 ± 87.38

MD: -74.48 ± 12.01

 < 0.001*

 TMT B-A, time, seconds

25.85 ± 23.21

79.83 ± 76.00

MD: -56.77 ± 10.51

 < 0.001*



92.23 ± 10.75

79.49 ± 18.70

MD: 11.39 ± 2.80

 < 0.001*

 QCT: successful as person of the same age1(≥ Good)¥

40 (61.54%)

11 (17.19%)

OR: 8.26 ± 3.84

 < 0.001*

 QCT: representative memory/attention2(≥ fairly representative)¥

55 (84.62%)

47 (73.44%)

OR: 1.51 ± 0.73


 QCT: perception3(≥ Good)¥

49 (75.38%)

31 (48.44%)

OR: 5.23 ± 2.33

 < 0.001*

 QCT: clear instructions4(≥ fairly clear)

64 (98.46%)

60 (93.75%)



 QCT: requires no explanation by a third party5 ¥

60 (92.31%)

46 (71.88%)

OR: 4.57 ± 2.61


  1. Data are presented using mean ± standard deviation (SD) for quantitative measures and using number (percentage relative to group) for categorical measures
  2. Abbreviations: CNB Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery, FAB Frontal Assessment Battery, FCSRT Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, 5WT five-word test, GDS Geriatric Depression Scale, GLM Generalized Linear Model, HAD Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, MD Mean difference, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, NCT Number Coding Test, ND Not Done, NDG neurodegenerative disease group, OR Odds ratio, QCT Questions on cognitive tests, SCD-T Santé-Cerveau digital tool, SE standard Error, SUS System Usability Scale, TMT Trail Making Test
  3. Coefficient ± standard error of 'Controls' compared to 'Patients' for linear regressions and Generalized Linear Models (GLM) with binomial link (coefficients transformed on the response scale) [MD]; and odds ratio ± standard error of 'Controls' compared to 'Patients' for logistic regressions [OR]
  4. For demographics measures, Welch's t test was used on quantitative measures to compare groups and Fisher's exact test, for categorical measures. For reference NPF-Battery, SCD-T measures and Acceptability measures, group effect was tested via GLM adjusted for age, gender and education level. In the Table, when used GLM with logit link and Binomial distribution for group comparison, # symbols added to the score name; when used logistic regression for group comparison, ¥ symbols added to the score name; when used linear regression no symbol added to the score name
  5. # Group comparison was performed through GLM with logit link and Binomial distribution
  6. ¥ Group comparison was performed through GLM with logit link and Bernoulli distribution (i.e. logistic regression)
  7. 1 How do you think you did on these cognitive tests compared to others of your age?
  8. 2 Do you think tests’ results represent your memory and attention?
  9. 3 How did you feel during the tests?
  10. 4 Were the instructions clear? Regression logistic could not be performed because of the small sample size who found the instructions unclear
  11. 5 Would it have been helpful if someone had explained the tests to you and answered your questions before you took them?