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Fig. 6 | Alzheimer's Research & Therapy

Fig. 6

From: Exploring the ATN classification system using brain morphology

Fig. 6

Comparing progression sequences towards AD pathology using VBM. Regions with highest evidence for monotonic volume decline assuming 6 potential disease progressions from A−T−N− towards A+T+N+ (ACH, ANT, TAN, TNA, NAT, NTA). Sequences are denoted in the order of biomarker positivity along the pathway (e.g., ANT = amyloid-positivity first, neurodegeneration second, tau last). A Voxels where sequence shows highest evidence; Notably, regions of highest evidence for each progression are disjunct. B Percentage of gray matter voxels where sequence has highest evidence. N-first sequences (NAT, NTA) are not shown as only few voxels are supported

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