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Table 1 Demographics and characteristics of CSF biomarkers and PET quantification measures, overall and by cohort. All the characteristics shown in this table were statistically different (p < 0.001) between cohorts

From: Centiloid cut-off values for optimal agreement between PET and CSF core AD biomarkers


ALL (n = 516)

ALFA+ (n = 205)

ADNI (n = 311)

Age, mean (SD) [range]

69.13 (9.10) [50–92]

61.01 (4.85) [50–74]

74.48 (7.07) [56–92]

Women, n (%)

286 (55.4)

134 (65.4)

152 (48.9)

Education, years mean (SD)

14.98 (3.37)

13.49 (3.58)

15.96 (2.82)

APOE-ε4 carriers, n (%)

260 (50.4)

81 (39.5)

179 (57.6)

Positive Aβ42, n (%)

273 (52.9)

60 (29.3)

213 (68.5)

Positive pTau, n (%)

323 (62.6)

56 (27.3)

267 (85.9)

Positive tTau, n (%)

294 (57.0)

50 (24.4)

244 (78.5)

Positive pTau/Aβ42, n (%)

258 (50.0)

24 (11.7)

234 (75.2)

Positive tTau/Aβ42, n (%)

246 (47.7)

21 (10.2)

225 (72.3)

Diagnostic, n (%) CN/MCI/AD

256 / 237 / 23 (49.6)/(45.9)/(4.5)

205 / 0 / 0 (100)/(0)/(0)

36 / 237 / 23 (11.6)/(76.2)/(7.4)

Time difference CSF-PET, days mean (SD) [range]

45.2 (60.3) [0–343]

97.1 (65.1) [14–343]

11.0 (17.2) [0–126]

  1. Aβ β-amyloid, AD Alzheimer’s disease, ADNI Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, APOE Apoliprotein E, CN cognitively normal, MCI mild cognitive impaired participants, pTau phosphorylated tau, SD standard deviation, tTau total tau