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Table 2 Distribution of Erlangen Score neurochemical categories across the four diagnostic groups

From: Erlangen Score as a tool to predict progression from mild cognitive impairment to dementia in Alzheimer’s disease

Diagnostic category

Erlangen Score neurochemical category

Improbable AD

Possible AD

Probable AD

Control group (n = 66)a

37 (56.1%)

28 (42.4%)

1 (1.5%)

MCI-Stable group (n = 74)a

29 (39.2%)

25 (33.8%)

20 (27.0%)

MCI-AD group (n = 70)b

3 (4.3%)

16 (22.9%)

51 (72.8%)

ADD group (n = 168)b

9 (5.4%)

35 (20.8%)

124 (73.8%)

  1. Presented as number (percentage of the total number) in a given diagnostic group
  2. AD Alzheimer’s disease, ADD Alzheimer’s disease dementia, MCI mild cognitive impairment
  3. aDistribution significantly different (p < 0.005) from distributions in all three other categories
  4. bDistribution significantly different (p < 0.005) from distributions in Control and MCI-Stable group, but not in ADD group (p = 1.0)