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Table 2 Baseline levels of CSF biomarkers and change within individuals over time

From: Cerebrospinal fluid VILIP-1 and YKL-40, candidate biomarkers to diagnose, predict and monitor Alzheimer’s disease in a memory clinic cohort


Cognitively normal



(n = 37)

(n = 61)

(n = 65)

YKL-40 (ng/ml), baseline

231 (16)

304 (16)*

288 (12)*

YKL-40 (ng/ml), follow-up

241 (18)

320 (16)*

306 (14)

 Annual change, (β (SE))

5.3 (3.2)

8.9 (3.0)

7.1 (3.1)§

VILIP-1 (pg/ml), baseline

168 (11)

192 (13)

182 (10)

VILIP-1 (pg/ml), follow-up

175 (11)

217 (14)

190 (11)

 Annual change, (β (SE))

2.8 (2.8)

10.7 (2.6)

3.1 (2.6)

  1. Data presented as mean (SE). At baseline, VILIP-1 data were missing for two patients and YKL-40 data for one patient; at follow-up, VILIP-1 data were missing for one patient and YKL-40 data for three patients. Baseline and follow-up differences (mean (SE) LP interval was 2.0 (0.1) years) were assessed with ANOVA with post-hoc Bonferroni corrections, adjusted for age and sex. CSF biomarkers were log-transformed for ANOVA analyses. Longitudinal effects were assessed using age and sex-adjusted linear mixed models, with CSF biomarkers (VILIP-1 and YKL-40) as dependent variables and clinical diagnosis (categorical), time (LP interval in years), and interaction diagnosis × time as independent variables. The reported β value represents the estimated change of YKL-40 (ng/ml) or VILIP-1 (pg/ml) levels per year
  2. * p ≤0.05 vs. cognitively normal subjects
  3. p ≤0.005 vs. cognitively normal subjects
  4. p ≤0.005 for time effect
  5. § p ≤0.05 for time effect
  6. AD Alzheimer’s disease, ANOVA analysis of variance, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, LP lumbar puncture, MCI mild cognitive impairment, SE standard error, VILIP-1 Visinin-like protein-1, YKL-40 Chitinase-3-like protein 1